Nobody wants to work anymore and what to do about it
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Kids these days just don’t want to work anymore, amiright?
Have you heard that before?
We all know this guy. He has the same old complaint ready to unleash on a moment’s notice.
Unfortunately, too many companies are stuck complaining about today’s workforce and not doing anything to improve their company’s situation.
It’s costing them money.
It’s costing them talent.
They’re losing ground to the competition.
The good news is that this situation is an opportunity. It’s an opportunity for companies to build their reputation within the craft labor pool and differentiate themselves as an employer of choice.
Companies are taking advantage of this.
We'll show you one in this post.
We want you to be one of those companies.
Here’s one way to go about it.
Let get this out of the way: it’s true nobody wants to work

At least that’s what generations have been saying FOR EVER. Every generation has thought the same thing. There’s gotta be truth in that sentiment.
We're not going to dive into the psychology of it all.
We know this - complaining about the next generation isn't solving any of your problems today.
Turn the page.
Go all-in on marketing to get better attention
Have you heard of Turner Mining Group? They’re a mining services contractor that was started in 2017 by a 27-year-old Keaton Turner.
Keaton’s an ace. He understands leadership, people, and business at a level most people never get to.
In recent years the company has “grown up” in terms of its employees, processes and strategy – but the early days of TMG were heavy on Instagram pictures of young employees wearing pit vipers, operating big machinery.
The company was (and is), dare we say, cool.
Here’s a video that’s a good example of the content that’s made TMG a popular company for people to work for.
The result of all that marketing - the result of being cool?
The company grew to a nine-figure company in just three years.
Zero to nine figures in a just a few years.
Use marketing as a key part of your labor strategy
To this day Turner Mining Group’s marketing is top notch. Cool pictures, cool stories, great branding.
The result? Massive growth.
Massive growth in social followers.
Massive growth in reputation.
Massive growth in people wanting to be a part of what they’re doing.
Massive growth in business.
Turner Mining Group was so successful in attracting potential employee candidates that they recently started a staffing company because they couldn’t put all the candidates to work on their own projects.
We talked previously about the age of the construction industry getting younger. That means this generation gap isn't going anywhere.
The good news is that there are ways to not only overcome the generation gap - but to use it to your company's advantage. Marketing is one of the surest ways to do so.