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What is a RoadDog?


Looking for a per diem construction job? Click here!


What is a RoadDog?

RoadDog is a term for somebody who makes their living in traveling construction. These are construction jobs that pay per diem. RoadDogs can be any trade from electricians, welders, pipefitters, millwrights, ironworkers, and many others.

RoadDogs can be found on industrial construction projects in all corners of the country. This means that regardless of where somebody lives, they are typically willing to travel many hours or even days to a jobsite. The RoadDog will find a place to stay during the duration of the job, then return home once the project is completed.

The life of a RoadDog is filled with long work hours and time away from home. The benefits are large pay checks and the ability to take extended periods of time off each year while between projects.

The life of a RoadDog is not for everybody, but it’s the only way of life for a small group of people.


Where do RoadDogs find per diem construction jobs?

The best place for road dogs to find per diem construction jobs is on RoadDogJobs. This is the site built specifically for traveling roaddogs and roadtechs. For example, some of the trades that roaddogs can find are welders, electricians, pipefitters, millwrights, and ironworkers.

Some road dogs find per diem construction jobs by word of mouth. Some roaddogs find work from connections with prior employers or other personal connections. When those options don’t work or aren’t available


How to find RoadDog welder jobs?

RoadDogs find welding jobs in two main ways. First is by word of mouth. Some RoadDogs find welding jobs by talking to fellow RoadDogs. Maybe these are people they’ve met on previous jobs, maybe they talk to friends or neighbors. They will also stay in touch with companies they’ve worked for in the past. Companies hiring roaddog welders want to keep their best workers coming back so they will be happy to stay in touch with the roaddogs.

The second way RoadDogs find welding jobs is by going to RoadDog Jobs. RoadDog Jobs is a job board built specifically for per diem welding jobs. These are the jobs that RoadDogs are looking for.


Looking for a per diem construction job? Click here!



What is a RoadTech?

RoadTech is another term for people who travel for construction. RoadTechs is a name that some people use in a very similar way to RoadDogs. Both names are similar and refer to similar people who make a living traveling for construction projects. These construction projects are often industrial construction projects and can last anywhere from a few weeks to a few years in duration. These projects can be in any part of the country which means people working on the projects may need to travel to get to the project site. That’s why the term roaddog and roadtech are used.


How to find RoadTech welder jobs?

RoadTech welder jobs are found in the same ways as RoadDog welder jobs. RoadTechs will find welder jobs first by talking to other RoadTechs and road dogs. If they can’t find jobs from those conversations, the next step is to search RoadDogJobs.com for open jobs. Since RoadDog Jobs is the only site focusing exclusively on per diem jobs for traveling construction hands, it’s the best place for RoadTechs to be looking for welding jobs. As we’ve talked about in other posts, industrial welding jobs are some of the highest paying in all of construction and are very attractive for many Roadtechs to check out.


Looking for a per diem construction job? Click here!


Where are RoadTech welder jobs near me?

Since RoadDogs and RoadTechs each travel for their jobs, the location of the job varies quite a bit. From the most recent Traveling Tradesmen survey by RoadDog Jobs, 86% are looking for work nationally or regionally. Most traveling tradesmen are willing to go to wherever the work is – so long as its far enough away from home to be eligible for per diem!


How do I find a RoadTech electrician job?

The best place to find electrician jobs for RoadTechs is through previous employers. Companies that you have previously worked for are the top resource for finding new jobs. It’s important to keep contact info of previous employer contact info and to stay in touch with prior employers in between jobs. Stay engaged on social media channels of the employers you want to work for in the future and make sure they know you’re still out there and available for future work!


How do I get a RoadDog welder job?

Start by checking out the RoadDogJobs per diem welder jobs page. This is a great place to check out the jobs that are available. This page has the latest per diem welding jobs and will show you which companies are hiring roaddog welders today. Welding jobs for roaddogs are added to the site every day and so it’s important to stay


Looking for a per diem construction job? Click here!