Low Voltage Electrican $30 (Cat5, Fiber, Security) - South Dakota

Muth Electric Inc | Rapid City, SD

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This job is hiring at a future date. Apply now to get your name on the hiring list.
Posted Date 3/24/2025

Muth Electric Inc is looking for Low Voltage Electricians, able to install and terminate CAT cable, install and terminate fiber cable, test copper and fiber cable, and pull cable. The project is at Ellsworth Air Force Base. Must be a US Citizen. 5 day work weeks/average 50 hours per week. $115 per diem included on days worked. MUST HAVE LOW VOLTAGE EXPERIENCE.

Salary30.00 Hour
Per Diem
Per Diem Offered
Per Diem Amount
Provide any additional information you would like to share about your company’s per diem or expense reimbursement policy.
Per diem is given on days worked over 6 hours.
Hours per week
Project Duration
12 months+
NEW FEATURE: Build interest in your upcoming jobs by listing a future hire date.
Hiring on future date?

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