CertifiedSafety is about one thing: working with our clients to increase their level of safety certainty on every project. Why? Safety-related incidents are expensive, time-consuming, and can substantially impact financial sustainability and reputations.
We know big projects, such as turnarounds, bring many contractors, hundreds or thousands of workers, specialized equipment and a large spike in activity. During these peak resource periods it is often impractical for owners/operators to effectively and consistently provide the best-in-class strategies, plans, personnel, and equipment to increase safety certainty.
CertifiedSafety provides cost-effective, scalable, and proven solutions to solve safety-related challenges for the petroleum and chemical industries. We call these our CERTAINTYSOLUTIONS. CertifiedSafety brings deep experience, industry-leading safety practices, highly-qualified and trained personnel at every level, and safety leadership that you look for to drive up safety certainty and project success.
Keep CertifiedSafety in mind when looking for safety program reviews, strategies, plans, and resources (from general labor, bottle watch, fire watch, and confined space entry, to safety managers and advisors) that bring increased safety performance and productivity, bolster confidence, while protecting time schedules and budgets.
Strengthen your safety performance and its contribution to your projects success.
CertifiedSafety is devoted to helping make the workplace safer and is committed to continuous learning and improvement while developing and consistently delivering on the values of:
- Keep our promises
- Committed to add value
- Work as a team
- Value the health and well-being of ourselves and others